how to install a pocket door installation kit
We are doing a step by step tutorial for a pocket door installation kit today. And, even though I was able to make the walking into and out of our master bedroom easier by installing a pocket door, it did not make this awkward corner any easier to photograph. I'm sorry about that. :/ And I'm sorry about this view from the … [read it...]

key west house tour {colorful and fun}
You know that saying "it is a riddle, wrapped in an mystery, inside an enigma"? I feel that is the only way to describe my brain sometimes. Like I try really hard to be healthy, yet I know I could live forever on Swedish fish and red wine. I am incredibly private (Joel recently had surgery for prostate cancer and we didn't tell … [read it...]

my spring mantel and some thoughts on decorating
Now I don't fancy myself a master decorator, but I do enjoy puttering (my mom's word) around my house and creating views that just make me smile. So let's talk about my spring mantel and some thoughts on decorating for a minute. Joel's response to the question "what do you think about the spring mantel?" … wait for it … "it … [read it...]

Hello … hello
Hello … hello? Is this thing on? (Picture Midge Maisel walking up to the mic.) I've been playing around with this here blog for about the last month. It all started when I got a message that it had been shut down due to suspicion of it sending out malicious emails. (Enter all of those mind blown, WTF and general shock and awe … [read it...]

license plate bin and other upcycling ideas
Anyone else get the itch to create when you're holed up in the house after a few straight days of rain and less than desirable temps? Here are 4 upcycling ideas you can do in an afternoon or less with only a few items. These are ideas from friends of mine who have sent me pictures so I apologize that I don't have detailed … [read it...]

waterside home tour
Hey hey everyone! How are you? If you're stopping in from In My Own Style's waterside home tour, welcome! And if you haven't been over to see Diane's house you have to. Diane and her husband just recently bought a beautiful home on a lake and she is working to update every space and make it their own. It is a fun process to … [read it...]

Easy DIY Project Ideas
Hello again! Thank you so much for the comments on the last post, and the understanding, it is very much appreciated. xo I have the home tour ready for you for Monday, I hope you love seeing some of the new things around the apartment. And the blog hop is all Waterside Home Tours so it will be neat to see how others who … [read it...]

the time has come
Hey there! How have you been?!?! Long time no talk. I've gotten all of your messages and emails and comments here and there checking in on us. Thank you so much for those. As you've probably noticed I've taken a step (or six) away from this blog of late. So many things have changed since our move to Aruba and although I … [read it...]

aruba apartment house tour video – 6 months in
Yay! The magic of the USB cable has been restored which means there are some great photos now on this handy laptop and available for sharing. And all kinds of not so great photos. Can you say #tilecuttingfail?!?!? And then there's the time I intentionally broke a bunch of tiles into millions of little pieces. But today, as … [read it...]

rest in peace my sweet Mico
This was a post I never wanted to write. And I almost didn't. For many reasons I can't really put my finger on I have been feeling increasingly private of late, hence the lack of posting, but I know that many of you have tuned in over the years as much to see pictures of our girls as you ever did to see the DIY. And I can't say … [read it...]

diy pet porch potty
I feel like this post has the potential to feel like a kindergarten classroom where all the 5 and 6-year-old boys want to talk about is poop. Followed by uncontrollable giggling. Given the topic it can't be helped. Because when I posted the video tour of our new place in Aruba (almost 6 months ago now which is really hard to … [read it...]

one board wood shelves + 17 one board ideas
Well hello there!! It has been awhile. How are you? I wish I had some incredible story to share with you about how I've spent my time recently, but the most accurate description would be ... life. :) We are still loving Aruba, hard to believe we have been here almost 6 months already, and we've finally made some official … [read it...]

breaking news: reports of progress in the aruba apartment
Yeah, uh, sorry. For everyone who has written me commenting on the lack of posts, thank you. I am definitely feeling the love. Sometimes when you write out here on the world-wide web you wonder if anyone would notice if you just slipped quietly into the night to Aruba. ;) The truth is, I haven't really done any DIY fun to … [read it...]

so, we acquired a table and now I want a diy chandelier
Hey hey! Hope you're doing great. Anything new with you? We have a new-to-us table. And it's pretty great. When we first arrived I thought I might try my hand at making a farmhouse style dining room table. Long, rectangular, awesome. You know the type. Maybe with chairs on the side by the wall and a bench on the side between the … [read it...]

the aruba kitchen plan
It took longer than usual because I can't stop staring at the view, but we're officially off and running with projects around here. And it turns out gathering quotes for the kitchen project is a good way to familiarize myself with new streets and neighborhoods and learn that many a dirt road actually leads somewhere good. :) So … [read it...]

the aruba apartment – the before house tour
Hey hey! Did you see the fun post from Tuesday where Joel spilled the beans on what he thinks about all this DIY madness? His no holds barred take on me. He's a keeper. ;) And for the second week in a row I've got a video for you! Last week it was the little good-bye, for now, to the Key West house and today it's the first walk … [read it...]

key west house tour – move out day
I'll tell you it was kind of weird to watch this video. Time is such a funny thing. We've been in Aruba for less than three weeks and already it is home. I think that could be why we can continue to do this whole let's-pack-up-and-move-somewhere-we've-never-been-every-few-years thing with some level of success. We somehow focus … [read it...]

upcycling idea – reclaimed french doors on rolling door hardware
With only hours to go until our flight to our new home in Aruba I ran around our house, if you ask Joel like a mad woman, with the camera to snap as many pics as possible of one of my longest awaited and most adored updates we made to this sweet little Key West home. Upcycling Idea - Reclaimed French Doors on Rolling Door … [read it...]

our aruban apartment – the before
Well, if things are going as planned we've been in Aruba a few days and we're still settling into the groove of things and getting used to calling a new place home. But, look what I did for you. After Joel first saw the apartment, when I was still in Key West, he texted me these grainy cell phone pics and I want to share this … [read it...]

pine cone and mini ornament garland
Well, that title doesn't really leave much to the imagination, does it? And the pictures don't really do it justice. But it is actually super cute. You're just going to have to trust me. :) I had a little package of mini ornaments that I used to make super easy wine charms (you should check them out here) and with the … [read it...]

free diy gift tag upcycle idea
Free diy gift tag upcycle idea. And so easy it's shameful. And free, so it's awesome. Take last year's holiday cards, minus any photo cards, sentimental cards you want to keep and inappropriate cards from your crazy uncle. Just me? Grab a pair of scissors, a single hole punch if you've got one (I saw them at our Dollar Store … [read it...]

DIY grain sack table runner
I guess it must have started with the pallet wood garland but now I am totally on a roll of just using what I have to create some fun new holiday things. So I bought a canvas drop cloth ... 4 years ago ... when we were living on a totally different island. Raise your hand if you remember these couches. Can't say I miss … [read it...]

pallet wood garland
Hey there! I hope you had a great holiday weekend. If you haven't seen the great comments on the last post and you're an animal lover, you really should take a second to read them. So cool that you guys shared your own stories, thank you for that! You can read them here. Sometimes I carry around an idea for a project for a … [read it...]

inexpensive DIY wood slat walls
Happy Thanksgiving week everyone! I can say, that my holiday spirit is still fully intact. I'm not so sure about our newspaper delivery person, though, as my poor poinsettia on the porch is the perfect landing spot for the paper. :/ Joel says I'm going to kill it anyway so maybe they're just doing me a favor. :) He thinks he's … [read it...]

and then we started living like grown ups again
We did it! After 2 years, 4 months and 14 days ... we don't sleep on the floor anymore! Side note: For everyone asking about cleaning the new ceiling fan, I've officially done it. Once the bed frame was all assembled I took a feather duster type of thing to the paddles on the ceiling fan and it worked great. We sanded down … [read it...]

does this ceiling fan make my room look big?
Hey there! We're chugging along in the master bedroom and we're thisclose to moving back into that room for good. Don't worry that the curtains are too short and there isn't even a bed to go along with the headboard. The fact that it even resembles a room, where people might actually find solace at the end of the day, is a … [read it...]

do you feel it too?
You guys! I really can't explain it. But I am totally pumped for the holiday season this year. I think it hits me different every year. Does that happen to you? Some years the holidays just seem to come and go as pretty regular days, and then some years, like this year, I am just so into the spirit of the season I kind of don't … [read it...]

easy to install rolling door hardware
You guys! This is one of those components of the master bathroom renovation that I have been not-so-patiently awaiting. It's like the one thing that I have been anticipating the most, probably because I knew it had to wait until pretty much the end of the project. And because I've had the hardware staring me down since basically … [read it...]

simple MDF craftsman style trim – an update
Hey hey! Hope you're having a great week. I'm plugging away at sanding, priming and painting in the master bedroom and if you follow along on Instagram you know that we've added even more wood slat walls to this house. We're also going to have some niches for a few favorite photos on that wall between the bedroom and the … [read it...]

the freestanding tub and wall mount faucet & taking senior pictures in Key West
Well, it happened. My first bath here. And it was glorious. And no, I haven't been in the tub for the last two weeks. We've been having a lot of fun with family visiting (7 people over 10 days to be exact) and then the week that was Fantasy Fest here in Key West. If you don't know Fantasy Fest, google it, and don't blame me if … [read it...]

those two other times I mismeasured
I'm beginning to feel like Roger Clemens in front of the grand jury talking about his history with performance enhancing drugs ... and his tendency to misremember. I have the same tendency to mismeasure. It's incurable. I don't really get it. It just happens. Luckily it is one of those things that doesn't really matter in DIY. … [read it...]

trough style sink faucets and a rain shower head and valve, you know, the bathroom bling
There were many aspects of this master bathroom renovation that were really up in the air until they actually happened. I'm not really the type to create a mood board and search for things that fit the design. I tend to roll with the punches and make decisions as it all unfolds. But I just knew from the get go that we wanted a … [read it...]

DIY wood vanity in the master bathroom
Pretty much from the outset of this master bathroom project I knew I wanted to make the vanity because the space was tight and the odds of finding a piece that would fit perfectly into it were slim. Turns out the odds of me making something that was a perfect fit were slim, too. But, man, did I try. And it was looking so … [read it...]

cutting, grouting and sealing marble tile tips
Hey, thanks for all the great comments on the post about tiling a bathroom, anyone getting ready to tackle their own tile project can give me a shout if you have any other questions. I definitely have all the answers. Or something. I got so wordy about tile I had to separate these cutting, grouting and sealing marble tile tips … [read it...]

upcycling idea: DIY reclaimed wood framed mirrors
How about some basically free DIY reclaimed wood frames for you? This is a classic case of someone's trash becoming my treasure. On an innocent little walk around the neighborhood many months ago I noticed a neighbor clearing out a lot of old wood and other goodies from her property and stacking it on the street for garbage … [read it...]

just some photos of our new rustic bathroom
You know what I learned about myself during this specific renovation? And I don't know why I didn't know it before. I've never really put too much thought into what my personal style was I guess. I know I've just always veered toward the rustic and collected versus the contemporary and trendy. But I never really knew exactly … [read it...]

tiling a bathroom shower with marble tile
Hey hey! So this post has taken on a mind of its own. I've been getting a lot of questions about the tile (isn't it great!) and the whole process of tiling a bathroom with marble tile so I figured I needed to get all of my thoughts out to the world before they escaped my little brain. Who knew I had so many thoughts on tiling. … [read it...]

a little fall porch party #EclecticallyFall
Hey there! Happy happy Friday! If you're here with the #EclecticallyFall House Tour from The Wood Grain Cottage, welcome! If you're a regular around here, welcome! Heck, if you typed the space between in Google looking for the lyrics of the DMB song, welcome! It's a good day to be here because I'm hosting a party on my … [read it...]

DIY wood shutters {and a day I never really ever imagined}
Hey hey! Things are trucking right along in the bathroom department ... I may have just sent Joel this text saying "I know, I know ... I'm getting a little ahead of myself". Yep, I'm already messing around with decorating and organizing ... but the sinks aren't even hooked up yet ... and you might notice there aren't any … [read it...]

the turning point in the master bathroom renovation
You guys! This weekend was the most exciting weekend in the master bathroom renovation so far. By far. I can't really explain it all, but the moment the finishing touches start happening is the same moment a renovation starts to feel like a real room. And ghost face and I installed the vanity lights! Actually, ghost face … [read it...]

Carrara Bianco Honed Long Octagon Bardiglio Gray Dot Mosaic Marble Tile
That's it. The full name of the master bathroom floor tile in all its glory. And you guys are crushing on it as much as I am. I've discussed the tile decision here and little more here. And it wasn't until I saw this tile that I finally decided to succumb to my marble tile desire. I had never seen anything like it before and … [read it...]

and in other news, more exterior painting progress
Hey guys! Tiling is going strong around here. And by that I mean Joel and I knocked out the floor in about 7 hours on Saturday before we drove to Miami. (Might not be my recommended strategy for everyone ... just ask my lower back, and knees and every other aching body part.) Thank you so much for the input on laying the floor … [read it...]

laying irregular floor tile {what would you do?}
Hey hey! Happy Friday! I'm popping in with quick little what would you do question. You know I like to get your opinion on things that are really stumping me. And at the end of the day yesterday I had the entire new master bathroom cleared out and I started playing around with the floor tile. Its Carrera marble in a mosaic … [read it...]

talking tile and other bathroom stuff
You know, when this master renovation project began I had visions of creating these all-inclusive checklists of what to do and in what order if you, too, want to tackle this project. But the reality is that my mind just does not work that way. In the way that is clear and concise and orderly. Its rhythm is more of a roller … [read it...]

don’t forget about the shampoo and other master bathroom renovation progress reports
Happy Day after Labor Day!! This post comes to you with all kinds of awkwardly unattractive, in-between process shots (with product affiliate links to boot) of the master bathroom renovation in an effort to spread the good word about shampoo storage in a tiled shower. That's right, it's a bit of a sea of cement board around … [read it...]

the final steps of the DIY shower pan … finally
Who's sick of hearing about the DIY shower pan? :/ There's not even one lonely comment on the last post about the pvc shower liner. Yeah, I realize this is a bit much for information about one project but I really did want to create a resource where people could follow from start to finish about the project since I had trouble … [read it...]

upcycling idea – one of a kind picture frame {and for some reason some thoughts on religion}
It's been a while since we've talked about a little upcycling idea around here so today we're going to pause with the hard-core home improvement and I'm going to start with my first ever thought published on this blog about religion and that is that I don't really know what I believe. (How's that for covering a lot of topics in … [read it...]

installing a pvc shower liner
This post is part of a complete series explaining how to diy a shower pan from start to finish. Including the framing and prep work, installing the shower liner, building the pan, preslope, installing the drain and tile. You can also start with the preparation and planning post or with creating a preslope. Alrighty, we're back … [read it...]

10 beginner plumbing tips everyone should know
Hey guys! We actually just got back from 10 days away, up to Maine visiting family and completely unwinding without cell or internet for a few of those days. Sorry for the crickets in the comments and on social media. Speaking of crickets, we didn't really see much wildlife on our vacation (that transition works, right?), which … [read it...]

how to DIY a shower pan preslope {and do you even need one?}
This post is part of a complete series explaining how to diy a shower pan from start to finish. Including the framing and prep work, installing the shower liner, building the pan, preslope, installing the drain and tile. If you missed all of the preparation and planning steps, stop on over here first to get started. Today we … [read it...]

upcycling idea – a pallet project from the book!
Hey guys!! Today is a little break from the master bathroom renovation project to share an actual tutorial from the book! This is not like the pallet project fail I shared already. This is one of those upcycling ideas for a pallet that is simple to assemble, requires remedial painting skills (so I can do it!) and makes a … [read it...]

how to DIY a shower pan {preparation and planning}
Hey guys! I took a little blog vacation last week that started off with my 38th birthday, a Red Sox baseball game (and win!) and meeting Nene Leakes. And ended with me declaring victory over the learning curve of how to DIY a shower pan. Thank goodness. Other title contender's for this post include "third time's a charm" and … [read it...]

Pretty Handy Girl and I, were we separated at childhood?
Hi, my friends! I'm going to go unplugged this week and enjoy a little staycation that is all about progress on the house but I have something fun for you today so grab a cocktail coffee. A fellow "hardcore" DIYer and I got together a little bit ago to put together a fun little Q&A session. You see, I was talking to … [read it...]

10+ 2 light vanity light options – by popular demand, because you guys are smarter than me
Ok, seriously. I was really hung up on the vanity lighting thing and you guys helped me put it all in perspective. Like immediately. Funny how that happens, right?!?! I really, really, really wanted two lights, but for some reason talked myself into that being too much for the small space. But the comments about it looking like … [read it...]

can we just talk about making decisions for a second?
Hey you guys!! Hope your week is starting off well. I feel like we've made it through the survival of the fittest stage (and we survived!) of the master bathroom renovation and one thing I've realized is that long after the physical tiredness and soreness fades the mental struggles continues to be challenging and around every … [read it...]

another reclaimed wood sign idea {seas the day}
Before we turned our main living areas into a closet slash tool shed slash everything-that-needs-to-go-somewhere-landing-zone combo room that plays World Cup soccer games non-stop (or however you would grammatically correctly write that statement) I showed you this. And you guys like the SEAS THE DAY sign. Thanks! Yes, I did … [read it...]

master bathroom vanity lights – what would you do?
Hey guys! Hope you're having a great week! We have been plugging away with progress in our master bathroom and we are both kind unexpectedly giddy about how it's coming together. Momentum is a funny thing and sometimes at this stage of a project when everything is ugly it's hard to stay positive and motivated. But we just feel … [read it...]

narrowing down all of the choices in 3 simple steps
I don't know about you, but I definitely don't need all of the options that we have available to us. That's a general statement and not really specific to our master renovation. We actually confirmed this while living on the island of Curacao. Some move down to the islands and don't find all of the usual products and brands … [read it...]

diy pallet walkway, one huge project fail
Happy Friday everyone! How about that soccer game yesterday?!?! U-S-A! It wasn't a win but it was enough to advance. Who wants to watch with me Tuesday at 4 (eastern time) when we play Belgium? :) We are all consumed with the World Cup, we just can't quit it. Luckily master renovation prep work like ripping up floors and … [read it...]

how to cap a water pipe, plumbing 101
Please tell me you all have World Cup soccer fever, too. We're kind of into it. Big game coming up tomorrow. Go team USA!! Now, if we had a nickel for every time we did something wrong in the DIY arena we'd be rich. Very, very rich. And we'd live here. Because it's for sale. And it has a moat. You know those people who … [read it...]

master renovation – demolition and disappointing discoveries {and a couple fun ones, too}
Happy day to you! I hope you are having a banner week, it has been one around here so far for sure. First, the BHG Outdoor Decor win (Thanks in large part to YOU!), then the USA men's soccer team beat Ghana (the team that has knocked us out of the last two World Cups) in the World Cup and we have officially started a new major … [read it...]

the lies people tell you about making curtains
Note: First of all, seriously, we WON! The whole BHG Outdoor Decor thing. You and I. We won. I am verklempt, for everyone who voted, I love you for ever and ever, amen. :) Now, I have to admit it, sometimes it is the most selfish of reasons that inspires a project around here. But whatever it is that lights the fire you just … [read it...]

Anna Maria Island vacation
We may have turned the dining room into a closet and the guest bedroom into our bedroom this weekend. Which proved very confusing for one cute black dog. Much more to come on all of that this week. Details include newspapers from 1963 and an Engelbert Humperdinck record from 1976. I'm just sayin'. And now for the real fun, I … [read it...]

New Orleans, St. Charles Street and The French Quarter
Happy Friday the 13th!! Have you entered the giveaway yet? There are FIVE $100 gift cards up for grabs. And there's still time to vote for our porch in Better Homes and Gardens Ultimate Summer Bash challenge right here. It's still crazy to see our little porch on BHG.com. Last weekend Joel and I skipped off to New Orleans for … [read it...]

attic access door … another year, another random birthday gift
Well, we finally have a door for our front attic access. And I may have sent this picture to Joel with the caption "happy birthday". Sunday was the actual birthday and since he had to work I decided to get a few things done around here. And over the last few weeks Joel may have been leaving me some not so subtle hints that … [read it...]

am I a bad DIYer if …
1 - I suck at painting? Seriously, light colors are my friend, because then you can't see the little white dots that poke through in some areas I didn't paint completely. As I've been hanging the living and dining room trim (I'm done, people, I. Am. Done!) I've found a ridiculous amount of those little white dots peeking … [read it...]

using a planer to make a saddle
Hey hey! Hope your week is off to a banner start! I have been plugging away at the living and dining room trim. Let me tell you, I can not wait until it is done. We'll be looking at new trim around six windows, the front door and the new double French door on the side and molding and baseboards throughout. I'm making my way … [read it...]

our front porch light and 10 other awesome options
You guys. I can not find our front porch light online anywhere. :( I bought it many years ago when I spotted it on a clearance table at Lowe's in Maryland. It was probably 2007 or 2008 and we were renovating a fixer upper to rent, I was basically snatching up anything I found on clearance with the mentality that even if we … [read it...]

master bathroom remodel – the layout, i think
I am definitely having more fun than seems normal researching bathrooms and searching products online and fantasizing about what our new master bathroom will be all about. Let's hope the entire master bathroom remodel process will be this fun. Because really, could it get any worse? No. The answer to that question is no. … [read it...]

master bathroom remodel – getting started
I'm just going to have start with an apology here. The photos you are about to see might scare you. They may induce a headache. Or they may just make you laugh uncontrollably. It's really hard to know exactly. I'm just sorry. :) The topic of "our next big project" has been coming up around here a lot lately. And let's clarify … [read it...]

why do we have an outswinging door?
This post could also be titled "proof that we're not that observant". Because we didn't notice that our front door opens out, instead of into the house. But you guys noticed it the first time I posted a picture of the front of the house over a year ago. I had forgotten about the Buddha. :) And we also didn't notice if that … [read it...]

easy upcycling idea – old post turned lantern
Hey hey! Happy Hump Day! Just because it's one of my favorite parts of the new look on the front porch I wanted to show you a quick upcycling idea. I took part of one of the posts that we replaced a few months back with a chunkier, 6 x 6 post, spray painted it aqua and put a lantern on it. Couldn't get easier. … [read it...]

our rope and wood accent wall {another way to use reclaimed wood}
Hey hey! Happy day to you!! Just a quick note that I heard from a few of you that you aren't receiving the posts in your email anymore. There is some new email spam rule so I had to change a few things so the emails wouldn't be categorized as spam, but many of you may need to resubscribe to start receiving the emails again. You … [read it...]

outdoor up lighting, it is so much easier than you think
A quick note: The blog overhaul is complete, after some weird things happening with the mobile site I think it's all good to go. If anything looks wonky on your end you might need to clear your cache. But check it out, take a look around and let me know if anything seems a little off. Thanks! We have a palm tree that Joel … [read it...]

a house before and after
We are far from finished with everything we want to do around this house but the transformation of the front is officially terminado! And a few of you have been asking for a full picture of the front of the house now to compare it to the before so here is the front of our house before and after. Well, finished for now, until … [read it...]

creating a craft corner in the guest bedroom
Hey hey! I am still working my way around finishing up the front part of the exterior of the house. More paint, primer, caulk and then more touch-up paint than is reasonable for one small house, really. But with a few cloudy/rainy days postponing progress I shifted gears and decided to put together a little space in the guest … [read it...]

creating curb appeal or “you’re decorating with exactly how many street side finds?”
Update: Just a huge thanks to Better Homes and Garden for entering my porch in the Outdoor Decor category of their Summer Bash and an even huger (totally a word!) thanks to everyone who voted for us. We won!! Thank you all! Consider yourself forewarned, I might just declare each newly finished, or even nearly finished, room … [read it...]

preparing to repaint the house with many little exterior updates courtesy of my dad
With a whole house that pretty much has something screaming at me to update it in every single room sometimes I find it really hard to stay focused on just one project at a time. Especially when that one project involves day after day of me and tubes of caulk. I am slowly (very, very slowly) making my way through all of the new … [read it...]

how to clean oil based paint out of your paint brush
Hey hey. Happy Thursday! I'm sharing a super cute and easy little spring craft over at Remodelaholic today. Amidst all of the more home renovation stuff we've been up to I find it fun to just sit at the table with a little glue and glitter every now and again and work on something that I don't need to think "will the future … [read it...]

why beadboard on the ceiling is nothing at all like dancing on the ceiling
Can we all just say ... FINALLY! As DIYers, we're pretty well versed in the universal truth that "everything takes longer than you think it's going to". Everything. Without fail. It just is what it is. And technically that's why we don't have any sort of set timeline on home projects. We take them as they come and tick them … [read it...]