Hey you guys!! Hope your week is starting off well. I feel like we’ve made it through the survival of the fittest stage (and we survived!) of the master bathroom renovation and one thing I’ve realized is that long after the physical tiredness and soreness fades the mental struggles continues to be challenging and around every corner a new decision has to be made. And it hurts my brain at times.
And because I don’t want to be the only one in “pain”, I’m going to share some current pictures of the bathroom that continue to be extraordinarily ugly and may hurt your eyes. The lighting is terrible, the shadows are everywhere and oh yeah, the room is still an overall mess. We can suffer together. You’re welcome. 😉
I white washed (with a heavy dose of white and a light dose of wash) the wood slat walls and tried a dark turquoise color on the new wall that will enclose the washer and dryer on the other side. The color is still drying in this picture. I also framed in and made a wood slat door for the little storage area we’re keeping above the washer and dryer. Should I white wash that door, too?
Last week I made my attempt to narrow down the overwhelming abundance of options we have available to us in the realm of fixtures and finishes. I’m happy to report decisions are being made, and that stage is incredibly fun. But there are so many more unavoidable decisions we have to make as we move along. #SoMuchThinking
How high should we make the vanity? Standard height is about 32″, should we lower it because I want vessel sinks? But 32″ already seems low. Is 32″ really a standard vanity height?
How high should we make the half walls? We need one between the toilet and the tub and one between the shower and the vanity.
How much width do you need for a toilet nook?
This is our new toilet nook. We made it as wide as we could, you can see how the half wall comes right up the side of the window. The new window is ordered, it will be about a 60″ x 60″ side roller … which means natural light. 🙂 The green tape that you can kind of see on the floor in the toilet nook (just in front of the wood slat we removed from the floor to look for floor joists as we start to plan for plumbing … ’cause we’re going to be plumbers) is where the front of the toilet seat will be.
How high do you hang a vanity light? Is it a certain distance from the floor or a certain distance above the vanity? Should the light overlap the mirror?
By the way, you guys gave GREAT advice on the vanity lighting question, the tip to pick the mirrors first really put things into perspective (Thanks Eryn!!!) I hadn’t really put much thought into the mirrors and was picturing one large one, but am now thinking one above each sink and a light above each mirror.
Where should we put the tv? Yes, we’re adding a tv. We added a tv to our master bathroom in a previous house and we loved it.
And where to put the outlets and switches? Where will the cable box go? Could we put the lights on a motion sensor so they automatically go on when you enter the room. That would be cool. But which lights? Just the recessed lights … or the vanity lights … or both?
I stood farther back into the bedroom for this shot. You can see the higher outlet hole where we’re going to put the outlet and cable for the tv that will hang in that wall. The wood slats I stripped and took off the wall behind where the vanity will go got whitewashed and attached the tub side of the half wall.
And the decisions just keep on coming. Should I sand the white wash to lighten it up a bit? Is that color right? Can you really even tell without having all of the tile installed? But the tile hasn’t arrived yet and the paint has. So I’m not going to stress about it. Paint is easy to change. Maybe that little punch out should be white so it’s not so pronounced? I still think that color will be awesome behind the vanity surrounded by white tile and mirrors and lights with a nickel finish. I was inspired by this picture.
But it’s just so hard to know. You know? It’s so easy to second guess yourself and get hung up on the little details. And the feeling of insecurity and uncertainty can be so debilitating. And unmotivating. And uninspiring.
I really just wanted to say … What. Ev. Er! Let it go. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
Treating someone with kindness and respect = important.
If the outlets beside our sinks end up a little higher than I really want = not important.
Pursuing your dreams and living a life you love = important.
If my first paint color choices don’t last a lifetime = not important.
I don’t mean to get all sappy or philosophical, it’s just that I am in love with all of this house stuff. And I’m so happy to do it for a living and share it all with you. And every once in a while putting it all in perspective is just what I need. Don’t spend too much time on things that mentally drain you (whether it’s a project decision or an exhausting friend), keep your eye on the prize (be it a finished, functional and beautiful space or a fitness goal) and above all else enjoy the ride.
Ok, now let me know what’s been on your mind. Anything trying to weigh you down these days. I say we band together and kill all the buzz kills. What do you say?