I’ll tell you it was kind of weird to watch this video. Time is such a funny thing. We’ve been in Aruba for less than three weeks and already it is home. I think that could be why we can continue to do this whole let’s-pack-up-and-move-somewhere-we’ve-never-been-every-few-years thing with some level of success. We somehow focus on and find true enjoyment in the challenge of everything being new and we put every ounce of energy we can into making where we are now home. And it works. Kind of a good psychological study on the power of choice. But this isn’t a psychology blog … as far as you know. 😉
So looking at this video reminded me that, somehow, someway, this little Key West gem is also our home. Maybe left behind, for now, but definitely not forgotten … and still very near and dear. And seriously, what a bummer we didn’t get to finish it before we left. #UnfinishedBusiness
And thanks to all of your requests I took one final walk through to record exactly how we left her. And here are a few noteworthy points in the video:
- 42 seconds in you can hear our sweet neighbor’s nice words about the transformation we made to the place, Joel was literally packing up the car to head to the airport while I was making this video
- 1:02 – that’s the sound of Joel coming in our front gate, when it came on the video the girls perked up and stared at the front door here. I kind of love they still recognize the sound, it was sound of us coming home to them. 🙂
- 1:46 – pink. tile. overload.
- 1:58 – my camera battery died so sorry for the jump from the bathroom to the kitchen
- 2:11 – I dare anyone to show me an uglier kitchen wall
- 4:00 – I painted the aqua stripe on the stained door to cover up the hole I patched where the dead bolt used to be. Because who needs a dead bolt on their bedroom door? And I really wanted to keep that side of the door stained.
- 4:32 – LED strip lighting tutorial coming soon, it is seriously so cool … and easy.
- 5:00 – more info on the wood slat walls here
- 5:13 – more info on the tile we used in the bathroom and closet here
- 6:50 – I can’t believe I didn’t show the bathroom door on the way out, that wall with Curacao landscape above it on reclaimed wood is one of my faves in that house.
- 7:15 – the first video views of the outside of that cute little cottage, and yes, the exterior painters came and finished, with more beautiful light blue like we did on the underside of the roof of the front porch
Enjoy the video! (If you’re reading this in your email or a reader you will have to click over to the blog to see the video, sorry.)