Today we’ve got a quick side table before and after for you before you head over to the real business at hand at Jamie’s, the 4th day of Organizing 101: Back to Basics. 🙂
This is a transformation of a little side table we’ve had sitting outside for a few years. A side table we bought at the same auction we got our frame and couches at a few years ago.
It was a random thing, the auction … I guess every 5 years or so the US Consulate auctions off their old house furniture, office furniture and other randomness. I’d say we scored big that day. It was a random morning of pouring rain. Perfect for me. None of the ‘auction light weights’ even bothered to come. Getting a deal on good quality stuff was like fishing in a bucket. 🙂  We got six tables (side table, end tables, night stands) that day for $110 total. Sweet!
And when I got to thinking about the blog room organization project a couple of weeks ago I knew I needed to come up with some kind of additional work space … that ideally wouldn’t cost me anything.
Turns out … this unused little side table is the exact same height as my book page covered file cabinet.
A light sanding to get rid of all loose debris, a few coats of chalk paint in a variety of blues and greens, some dry brushing … a little white washing in various spots and a little light and dark wax.
A pop of black inside the drawer.
And this unused, unattractive table has a new life.
And is the perfect base for a new desk. Yay!
You have actually seen a peek of the new desk, but we’ll be taking a closer look tomorrow.
You first saw the board I used at the desk top here … and you all know how I love chippy old wood. 🙂
Now head over to C.R.A.F.T. and find out how to get your blog organized!
And tell me, what do you think of the beginning of my desk base?