This is it. My first ever, one and only, Halloween craft.
I see Halloween crafts all over. People are doing spooky mantels and spider webbed tablescapes.
And I’ve never even done a Halloween craft. It’s really just not my thing.
Dumb question … is Halloween even a real holiday? Where did it come from? (Don’t answer that, I’ll google it if I really want to know.) Why can’t we just eat candy whenever we want?
And do we really want to keep encouraging our kids to take candy from strangers?
Maybe that’s what the costumes are for?
I mean if you’re dressed like a zombie you’re invincible, right?!?!
Maybe I’m just misguided on the whole Halloween thing because I lived in the country growing up.
For Halloween we would get dressed up in our great homemade costumes, get in the car, and go to my aunts’ and uncles’ houses.
And my grandparents.
And a neighbor or two.
The highlight was always the neighbor we shared a driveway with. Because my brother and I could walk up the hill to their house and they just left candy in plastic orange pumpkins on their porch steps.
One was full of Mounds and the other Almond Joy. Full size!
And they had a sign that said to please take just one.
So that’s what we did. And we would take 2! Such rebels.
And I really had no intention of making any Halloween crafts this year.
But I was reading a post from my friend Cassie recently. She updated this awesome coffee table. ‘Cause that’s what she does, awesome furniture updates. But all I could focus on was her jar of candy corn.
I don’t even really like candy corn.
But thennnnn, I was clearing off our patio. (I’m beginning to sound like the Old Spice guy. “I’m on a horse.”)
And I found these.
They’re dried up coconuts.
We drink coconut water down here … out of a coconut.
And because it’s what I do, I saved 3 coconuts awhile back. Not really sure what I was hoping to make. No real plan. Tossed them on the patio for another time.
Nature to craft … I’m a fan. 🙂
So I read a post with a pic of candy corn then I cleaned the patio off with dried up coconuts in the shape of candy corn.
A few stripes of paint later … and you have the story of how 3 coconuts became my very first ever Halloween craft.
And since I had the paint on hand this little Halloween craft was free.
You all know that’s my favorite price!
And if you’re a fan of nature-to-craft projects too you might want to check out the palm frond pumpkin and the leaf wreath.
And I found an awesome branch the other day … you’ll just have to wait and see what becomes of that. 🙂
And what about you. Are you a Halloween crafter? Nature to crafter? Different kind of crafter all together?