We’re buying a house in Key West. Well, at least I think we are anyway. We’re under contract. We had the house inspected. She needs all new electric.
Which we kind of knew but it’s still a punch in the gut when it’s confirmed and you think for a second “but that costs money” like it’s the first time the realization is, well, real.
‘Cause before the inspection the figurative ideas and projects and upgrades don’t cost any money. They’re just grand plans that are going to magically happen with minimal effort and monopoly money.
Before the inspection I saw the house and thought …
… and …
All of these pictures can be found on my “favorite spaces” Pinterest board.
And then came the inspection. And now all I see is the following.
And I will forewarn you … what you are about to see can never be unseen. Please, please proceed with caution.
I really think that’s enough for now.
I do apologize if you have nightmares about drop ceilings, wall paneling or ceiling fans. Trust me … they fade over time.
So … where to begin? Do you get rid of all of the drop ceilings, then all of the paneling, then all of the carpet? Do you go room by room? Do you call your dad to find out when he wants to come work on house projects visit?
No really, I’m asking. Except for the part about calling my dad, I definitely started there first. 🙂
Right now we’re scheduled to close on March 21st and our things are scheduled to arrive out of storage on March 22nd and demolition is scheduled to start on or before the 23rd. 🙂
Who’s ready for a few house projects?