It’s that time again. The first Monday of the month where we share an easy peasy, super simple, somewhat silly to post about project.
And today, my friends, we are going step-by-step into my rooftop pallet bed making process.
upcycle, repurpose and reinvent your space
Happy Friday y’all! I feel like this week has TOTALLY gotten away from me. Wasn’t it just the weekend of the triathlon?!?
Yes, that is totally a fake smile! lol And that little cold towel around my neck was a life saver, along with those clouds in the sky. A big thank you to Carol for the picture and to David and Ria for refreshing the cold towels every loop. Much, much appreciated. 🙂
Anyway, I had a very interesting little shopping endeavor this week and thought it might be fun to share some shots from one of our hardware stores. Oooooohhhhhh Aaaaaahhhhh!!!!!! 😉 This post may or may not be a good idea. haha
The store is called Kooyman. [Read more…]