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Well, now that I’ve actually made the door-turned-something-or-other into said something-or-other, it really doesn’t open and close.
But, metaphorically speaking, I still like the title. After all of the contemplation, and many an hour at work on the probably should have stayed in the dumpster found door, I decided to make her into a message center. And, I am down right smitten with her. (Thank goodness, because she did not come easy.)
I don’t know about you, but I am a lister.
If I were a DJ, my name would be Sir Lists Alot.
If I were on Grey’s Anatomy, my name would be Dr. McListy.
If I had my own reality tv show, it would be called The Real Lister of Curacao. I know, I know … it sounds riveting. 😉
But, in all honesty, I don’t function well at all without a list. If you’re not on my list, you don’t get done. If I don’t add sweet potato to our grocery list, it doesn’t get bought. Even though we eat it all of the time and it’s ALWAYS on the list. It’s in a weird spot in the grocery store and if it’s not on my list, I don’t automatically get it. I may very well be
a few bulbs short of chandelier just dependent on my lists because I love them so much.
But I’m, oddly, totally OK with that.
Right now my in-real-life BFF is probably thinking “well then put ’email Sue’ on your list damn it”. That’s actually a good idea. 🙂
And now, thanks to another FREE project (favorite words!), right at my finger tips, on my work space, I have so many list choices that I’m going to need to make a list of where I want to list first. I can write a list on paper and tack it to my cork board (that is still a work in progress – add to the list: Drink More Wine) …
…. I can use my handy-dandy DIYed chalkboard to jot somethin’ down old school style …
… I can grab my dry erase marker and list to my heart’s content on my color coordinated dry erase board …
… and I can even use my little jute line and mini clothes pins to hang more lists cute pictures of kids we love. 🙂
I am so happy with my dumpster dive message board I can hardly stand it. It just makes me want to
list dance!
What about you? Have any door-turned-something-or-other projects of your own? Like my message center as much as I do? Are you addicted to listing? Maybe we need a support group. 😉
And just a little Thank you! shout out to everyone who has commented and complimented the new blog look. I really do appreciate all of the support and feel so grateful for all of you who are on this little blogging adventure with me. There is still some work to be done and I am always interested to hear if you find it user-friendly, have trouble finding any specific content or just have layout suggestion. I’m all ears.
And … this is the first post I am publishing from this new blog so let’s hope all goes well. I do understand there is a delay now in when email subscribers will receive the posts, meaning posts will be published first to the blog and emailed to subscribers at a later time. I guess you’re just going to have to stalk the blog if I’ve got something coming up that you’re dying to see. 😉
AND, I’ll be posting the how-tos for the different components of the message center, so let the blog stalking begin. 😉
Update: Learn how to make your own chalkboard paint here and dry erase board here.
Enjoy your lists space today!
Kelly @ Eclectically Vintage says
Whew, glad to see you’re adding Drink More Wine to your list! Would not want you to forget the most important thing!
I am not a list maker – but if it meant I could have this really cool dumpster dive door, then I’d be willing to change my ways.
Love that chalkboard paint color too!
Pinning this piece of fabulousness!
Anne says
As one lister to another, I can totally relate! but if I have to join one more support group, I’m going to have no time for projects!! I mean first it was the Linky Party Whores group, then the Toes in the Guiness book of world records group (I don’t think that one is going anywhere though!), then the Bloggers with a sense of humour group and now the Listing group? lol LOVE IT!
Love your board, too! Sweet potatoes are so underrated, aren’t they?
Kelly @ DTTDidc says
Your dumpster-door-turned-message-center looks great! I like how you’ve incorporated different types of messaging into it. Is that really turquoise chalkboard paint?
I’ve turned an old window into a stained glass piece. Hmmm, I should post it on my blog one day.
I’m definitely a list person. I’m like you, if it’s not on my list, it doesn’t get done. Which is why the dogs haven’t had their ears cleaned & teeth brushed lately and why I sucked at fiddle class this week – cleaning & practicing weren’t on my list!
cassie says
i have some corks i can add. 😉 love that quote, too- it looks very cool and fun!
Dana at Cooking at Cafe D says
Love the new look – light, airy, breezy…
Wish my dumpster had your trash.
Drink More Wine. ~ Karah, 2012.
~ Dana
Cooking at Cafe D
Ashley@AttemptsAtDomestication says
That door looks awesome! I love how it all works together but each section is different!
I’m a list maker too! My phone has a to-do list and a reminder list and my wallet is full of sticky notes with lists! It’s insane.
Shannah @ Just Us Four says
I am total list maker/follower. I can’t get anything done if I don’t have a list to help me prepare. Grocery list, to-do list, etc…
Love how this turned out!
kirby says
looks great!
brenda says
well, you have answere the question why i am frequently eading a post entitled the day before i receive it. (not just yours) just got the “batty” diagnosis removed from me.. thank you
Angie says
Love the door-turned-message center. Where on earth did you find the mini clothes pins? Oh, and I’m a lister also. If it’s not on my grocery list, it doesn’t come home with me. It’s not good when I forget to write down things that we’re out of, though!
Sue Reincke says
I actually choked on my wine a bit laughing at your blog today. Yes, please add me to the list! 😉
Sue Reincke says
Wicked-cute message board, btw. As always, I’m so impressed!!
Zoe says
I remember the photo you posted with that door in the back of your Jeep. What a transformation and I love the pop of turquoise. Drink more wine is a good thing to have on your to-do list.
Kathy @ Pearls in Paradise says
Hi. My name is Kathy and I am a Listaholic. Love the message board and I am adding “find an old door” to my list!
Debbie says
Thank you so much, I have a window propped in the garage! Now I know what I can do with it!
Linda @ it all started with paint says
I need to put on my list double-check that you’re still getting Karah’s posts via email. Because I missed this one. And this is one NOT to miss.
Such a fabulous message board! And that’s from one list maker to another …
Marilyn says
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this! What a great eye you have. I’m totally blown away. I also love the new look of your blog!
BethM@Under A Pile of Scrap! says
I’m a list maker too, but I’m also a list loser. I make a list and lose it. I desperately need to make one of these for myself in a size that fits somewhere where I’ll actually use it!
{oc cottage} says
SO very cool!
m ^..^ says
Shut the front door!!! 🙂 I am a HUGE lister too! -And, I love that saying, btw. (One of my favorites, actually!)
Your message center is super cute! Another fantastic free project! You are a rock star!
Now go pour yourself a nice glass of wine, and crank the tunes so you can dance! Cheers!
Have a fab weekend!
Rachel says
I LOVE this project! So cool! I’m your newest follower:) I also nominated you for the Veratile Blogger Award! Go to my blog for the details.
Rachel (
Joni says
Love this! I found you from Homemaker on a Dime blog hop. Started following via linky 🙂
Laura@live-love-scrap says
Great project- I came over from a linky party because I saw a door- and I, too, love doors. But when I read your post, I thought, My word, this girl and I could be friends! I love lists!! So we are now linky friends:)
Your post is too cute- you are very witty!
Sara says
This is one of the most GORGEOUS projects I’ve seen in a long time!! Pinned and loved….great job!
Karima says
What a great project – I love it!
Marie says
wow, i am constantly amazed by what people are able to re-purpose. i wish i had that kind of creativity! this looks absolutely amazing. we’d love for you to link this to our Sunday Best link party going on right now.
Mary Alice Patterson says
Your door/message center is fabulous! I love lists, especially to-do lists, so I can cross things off as they get done.
Mary Alice
Kerstie says
Great use for an old door!
Mixed Kreations says
Awesome message board. Wish I could find great things in the dumpster. I see so many neat things made from old doors and windows. Thank you for sharing your cool project.
Taylor-Ann says
Super cute. I’ve been on the hunt for an old glass door or window they are hard to find. I would love if you shared it with my readers on my link party.
Tisha @ Delectable Home says
I’m with you, Karah! Whenever my kids come and tell me something that needs to get done or bought, I ask,”Did you write it on my list?” Only my list is on a giant white board, not a really cool old door like yours. I’m going to go write “cool old door” on my list right now! Thanks for linking up.
karen@somewhatquirky says
I’ll trade you wine corks for driftwood. Seriously, I will send you corks if you need some. I should put “wine cork inventory” on my list of things to blog about. Except I don’t make lists. I just rely on my memory. Hmmmm, maybe that’s why I can’t remember what I’m working on from one minute to the next. Oh, I really like the door board thing….a lot.